A Stride Above!

Ep 3 - How is Ozone Being Used for Treatments in Horses?

Performance Equine Veterinary Services Episode 3

Today on A Stride Above, Dr. Alberto Rullan discusses the trail-blazing and developing use of ozone as a treatment for joint pain in horses. A little bit more of a controversial opinion in the world of veterinary care and pharmaceuticals, this is a great option to explore if you are looking for a holistic and natural approach in not only managing symptoms with drugs, but solving the route of the problem for your horse!

In this episode you’ll learn about:
• What is ozone and prolozone?
• Dr. Alberto Rullan’s background and perspective on traditional vet care and seeking natural alternatives through human homeopathic research.
• Experimenting with this method and the results so far. 

If you would like to learn more about ozone and prolozone, and to get access to Dr.
Alberto Rullan’s ebook on regenerative therapies go to https://www.albertorullan.com.

Be sure to subscribe or follow, and we’ll see you back here next week for more helpful tips and guidance on improving the mindful care of your horse’s health! 

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Dr. Alberto Rullan, VMD

Welcome to a stride above podcast where our commitment to excellence in equine health at athletic performance unites us. Join your host Dr. Alberto rely on as we trot through the essential topics that matter most to you and your equine family members. With over 15 years of experience in equine Sports, medicine and rehabilitation, Dr. Rizwan is dedicated to navigating you through the latest innovations and essential insights in horse health together will ensure that you and your horses always remain a stride above the rest. Welcome back to another episode of Ask right above. Today, I read it I really wanted to pick it up a notch. Because, you know, let's face it, if you don't know me, I have some controversial topics behind my back in the veterinary care, but there are good ones, okay, don't get me wrong. Everything controversial means that, hey, there's something there. If there's controversy, the means the means that I touch a button, right? I touch a button that you thought or someone thought he might mean something. And anything that gets highly criticized means like, hey, perhaps there is something there. So that's how you know, that's how you know controversial is good. So I'm going to talk about a some natural topics. Let's go back to let's go back to why I do this, right. I am just sick and tired of the pharmaceuticals, telling me what do I need to do? I am not a big drug person, I hate draw. And for everything during Vetco, it was drugs, drugs, medication for these medication for that. Not too long ago, actually, several years ago, I went to the doctor, the human doctor, and I was telling him some quote unquote, symptoms. And very quickly these doctors started his bad and started prescribing these prescribing prescribing this I said, No, that's not what I came. I didn't came for drugs. I didn't say that drug dealers. I didn't come for drugs. I just just wanted a diagnosis. Why do you think this is happening? So it was just right on we went to treat the symptoms. So for the last several years, then I have been pushing myself to actually figure out how to fix problems, not just treat symptoms. Don't get me wrong, I treat a lot of symptoms, because there are some problems that I cannot fix, right. So we treat the symptoms, but I still still try. I still push to try to fix problems. So I have stumble many years ago on some therapies like stem cells where nobody went, nobody was using stem cells and people thought I was crazy. Then I started mixing stem cells with PRP and that for sure when while now is common practice right. Then I started picking it up a notch and I went to some human homeopathic doctors or some human conferences, and I noticed that they were using oxygen tanks. Some people were using the hyperbaric chamber, and some people were using ozone as well. So Huh, what the heck is ozone. So I started experimenting a little bit. I had a client that was very big into natural stuff and had a very similar belief than I did. So we started treating ozone on pretty much using it for everything. And experimenting on her horses is natural hate, we have nothing else to lose, we have absolutely nothing to lose. Most of these horses were not doing good. They were either not going to compete, or they were horses that were going to die. This client had a lot of horses, and he happens that we were seeing something very, very interesting. horses that were tying up, and they were having all their muscle diseases. They were starting to do better when we were doing ozone IV. Oh, by the way, it was awesome. It's literally oh three you know that the talk in the in the atmosphere. Right? Right, the ozone layer. That's what we're talking about. So horses that were sick, bacterial infection, they were studying getting better. And then we found this doctor in Florida that was a human doctor that was using it for tendon healing and for joints in people and we're like okay, so what if we use it for joints in horses and there was a very, very good result. inflammation in the joints started to go down inflammation in any join. We have done ozone in every joint on the body that you can imagine. The neck, the back, stifles knees, coughing joints, you name it. We have done it, we have done over 3000 of them at this up to date. I think when I wrote, When I wrote the book, we have done around 2500. By the way, if you want to read about this, you can go to www Alberto roulin.com. That's Alberto Roulin with two L's dot com, you can also Google it. And it will direct you to the ebook that I wrote on regenerative therapies that I took on ozone, as well. So you can get some information over there. So what happened now? Now I'm working with this interesting product, and I'm getting attack heavily. Because it's not a pharmaceutical, right is not a drug is 100%. Natural. And horses love it. They do great. So they love it so much that I got hurt in my knee. And what I requested the doctor to Sue was always on treatment. And they did amazing. So I don't do anything in horses, I'm not willing to do to myself, right? Or so I'll have a doctor do to myself. And that's exactly what happened. I got hurt, got my knee hurt, got ozone. Several days later, I was doing fantastic. And that when I really got converted to believing heavily on this particular natural product. Yes, I get significant heat for it from other veterinarians, and of course from pharmaceuticals, because they're not selling me a lot of drugs. But it works very well. I highly recommend it. And if yourself having an issue, go to the doctor, ask him about it. What is it, again, is ozone oh three from the ozone layer, we have a machine that takes oxygen. It goes through a UV light processing, and it gives you ozone you will also hear some when you go on the internet, you will hear something called prolozone prolozone is something relatively similar, he uses a concoction of vitamins, and all the products are going to present natural and these products are mixed with ozone. I have used it on my knee as well. Now, there's not a whole lot of scientific studies on this. And it's definitely not an FDA approved thing. But guess what? Most of the FDA approved things are more more of a politic thing not necessarily a science thing right with FDA all you need is 51% success rate. Plus he was I think is like the latest research. I saw him plus he was like 20 to 25%. So anyway, I digress. Ozone and prolozone look it up. Alberto land.com. Especially if you believe that natural products are best for your horse. Natural products are good for your horse. There is no doping. There is no harm done to the horse 100% natural, I repeat, not if they approve, right, but very effective, very effective. Now, don't get me wrong. It's not a miracle. Right. It is an anti inflammatory. And it potentially has some regenerative therapies. We don't know yet. 100% I'm just bringing you the latest. We don't know yet all the research on it, but it's probably coming up sometime soon. I hope you enjoyed this episode of a Strider both. I hope you have a great day and don't forget if you want more information, ozone or prolozone www Alberto roulin.com

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